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Red Paint
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Linda Hinojos, Director of Houston Art Center  

Art is a visual language that connects, inspires, and invokes a reflection within, that cannot be translated in any other form. When creating art, I consider the story I am telling and what purpose it serves. Although I consider my work contemporary, I am inspired by the Classical, Romantic, and Renaissance eras. Influenced by artists such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Caravaggio, Frida Kahlo, and Salvador Dali; I aim to use human vulnerability, religious symbolism, cultural iconography, and metaphors to add meaning in my work. My art infuses the use of traditional techniques, contemporary materials, and the skill of airbrush to create works that give an original look-undeniably identifiable as my style. My work embraces my cultural roots, invigorates the senses, and narrates my story. In my pursuit to push the boundaries, my future works will incorporate technology, innovation, and functional art experiences that make an impact; but also working for the preservation of art. Throughout history art has told the story of that time. The importance of that story is not only in its purpose, but the conservation of it. Art is a language that we cannot lose, my purpose is to translate and secure the message.

Christina Acosta, Community Outreach Director   

Christina Acosta is an active mother and grandmother of three.  Active in school PTO's, and community groups such as Latina groups.  Her commitment to improving life, and speaking out for those without a voice,  has driven her to make an impact in the community. 

 Christina brings community organizations, businesses, and leaders together to support the Houston Art Center. 

Her dedication to HAC " Painting with a purpose," she mentors the youth and works hard to make the HAC a home not just a center.  

Diana Villeda, Event Director

Diana Villeda is a mother of five, and entrepreneur.  With her love to " create New things," she brings a unique twist to desert art.  Diana has many years in the restaurant business and uses her knowledge to create and plan events.  Her attention to detail and dedication sets her apart from others.  


Monday - Sunday : 8am - 8pm


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